Monthly Archives: July 2018

All Things to All

It’s remarkable the ways in which we are asked to share the story of the Gospel. Some people do so in the smallest of ways. And others on big stages while telling a series of hilarious jokes about real life events.  This is a must, must watch video.  Reminds me at all times, in all circumstances, in all ways, be all things to all, so that all may be one for the Glory of God. God bless you Chris Pratt!

Five Minutes to Change Your Life

We are the author of our lives. Each page is a moment.  Each word is an hour. Each letter a minute.

This next five minutes could change your life.

Minutes Matter.  I stood on top of a bridge overlooking Old Man’s Cave this week.  Looking down, I was in awe at the cavern carved over small drips of water. Each drop moving small particles of rock that have now washed out a massive gorge.

It’s the small choices in life that are the same thing. It’s the Minutes that matter.

Too often in life I’ve focused on the extremes. Worry and anxiety swing to cheer and happiness whimsically washing emotions across the shores of my life. Swinging to and fro with no rudder to guide me forward. We know the smallest of movements of a sail can change the course of a massive seafaring ship. We know the smallest movements can lead us astray on a long beaten path. Or lead us home.

We are tempted to live in the extremes of life. But we are called to live in the moment’s of life.  Each minute matters. Do it, whatever it is, because you want to and it’s a good next page in your book.

Remember, We are the author of our lives. Each page is a moment.  Each word is an hour. Each letter a minute.

What letter is next in your life? Listen now and take this five minutes perhaps this will change your life.