Daily Archives: August 3, 2018

Inspiration of the Day

Risk. Learn. Grow.

I was up early in the morning three weeks ago and sat at 4am with a note book and a pen.  Nothing else in my hands.

I asked God to reveal to me images or words describing his passion for my life.  After several minutes of quiet reflection and meditation, I received an image of a cliff and felt the wind at my back, pushing me toward the edge.  This image was exhilarating!  It was scary! It was breath taking!

This is the image for me at this moment for a specific purpose.  I know that being on the edge, where everything is at risk is where I will learn and grow the most.  But it is also the hardest place to be, because any wrong step or movement could result in my catastrophic decent over the cliff to the canyon below.

That’s where God wants us. Trust me, when you fail, I will catch you.  When you have everything at risk, I will be your safety. When fear overwhelms you, I am the breeze that says Do Not Be Afraid.

For all of those living on the edge today, trust that God is with you and for you.  And you will grow and learn to trust Him more today.